General Information
The total land area of Jokioinen is 182,03 km2, approximately half of which is forest and half is in agricultural use. The most central body of water in Jokioinen is the River Loimijoki, which runs through the municipality.
5 046 inhabitants (on 31st of December 2021)
Age distribution ( 2019)
0 - 14 years 15,1 %
15 - 64 years 58,4 %
at least 65 years 26,5 %
Services 65,4 %
Processing/manufacturing 26.6%
Agriculture and forestry 6,6 %
Others 1,4%
Local Government
27 Councillors:
- Centre Party 8
- Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 7
- The Left Alliance 4
- National Coalition Party 2
- The Finns Party 5
- Green League 1
Major Employers
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Municipality of Jokioinen
Jokioisten Leipä Oy
Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd
Jokioisten Maanrakennus Oy
FM-Haus Oy